Al's Jukebox

Al Muckersie had a very special relationship with the Saturday Mystery Jukebox. I cannot recall a single week that he did not join in. I once referred to him the the glue that holds it all together. Why? Because he loved seeing what people were posting and would strike up conversations with them about their choices.

As a rule I don't archive the playlists I compile, but I felt this should be an exception.

This week we remembered and celebrated our dear friend Al, and I started you off with this:

These are the tracks you chose;

I think we've done him proud:

from Jo Welch @Jowelch14

from buzzbead @buzzbead

from Sir George @RetiredBroker

from Paula @dozeebird

from nerdbird @nerdbirdno1

from missixti @missixti

from Melba Unicorn @melbaunicorn

from Jill @ScottishJill

from John Flanagan @Ramagan1967

from Cal Young @annap442

from Ian @MoggsyG

from Michael Judd @kookaburra1966

from Ian Billings @Ian_norvic

from Doug Peterson @dougpete

from MadMoiselle @forellenkleid

from Mrs Lisa Shaw @shahin_lisa

from Hazel @Hazel_Pow

from Rosalind Jane @RosalindJane

from Ian Bond @bondandpollard

from John Wilkinson @JohnWilkinson2

from Mrs Lisa Shaw @shahin_lisa

from Paul Emanuelli @UnpubWrites

from Norma Roberts @westerby1

from MickleQuaintrelle @MickleQuaintre1

from Hanan @Lucid_Architect

from Robert Turner @BobTurnTray

from Ant F @afitzg13

from Mark Rogers @Buck_Rogers23

from Joan Wilson @Moomum64

from Stan Pitt-Marsh @StanPitt

from Janice Hyatt @17guinness

My second token to close this Jukebox:

Pachelbel's Cannon:

Al never said why, but I know this held an extremely special place in his heart.

And this version by the Brooklyn Duo is perfect.

And the entire playlist:

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