
If someone doesn't guzzle all the pevre in one sitting, here is another idea for using up whatever's left over: nachos! As you can see, they went down a treat. And they really could not be any simpler to prepare.
Supermarkets in the UK do not seem to pay much attention to Mexican cheeses, so these nachos were made with cheddar on the corn chips and mozzarella on top of the pevre (providing both sharp and stringy). They were delicious, if not exactly authentic...though neither is pevre, for that matter. The lesson here is: use what you have.
Of course you can add sour cream, avocados or guacamole, even refried beans. I didn't have any...and it was still such a treat!
corn chips
pevre or some other salsa
Find the recipe for pevre here:
Preheat your oven to 200ºC. Lay out your corn chips in a single layer, overlapping at the corners, in a tray large enough to serve the number of people you are cooking for. Grate some cheese over them and pop them in the oven for 5 minutes - or till the cheese has melted.
Remove and drizzle over the pevre, grate some more cheese on top, and pop them back in.

When the cheese has melted, they're ready! Be careful! The dish or tray may be hot!
Bring it to the table (have something ready to protect the table top), and let people dig in, detaching small portions of the loaded chips with their fingers. Gorgeous!

For some odd reason, they do not last long. Good thing it's so simple to make another batch!

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Did you know?
You'll find recipes at the back of all the books in the Send for Octavius Guy series: