June 4th 2024
Welcome to my weekly diary charting the ups and downs of turning my Victorian whodunnit, Octopus: Octavius Guy & The Case of the Throttled Tragedienne, into a podcast. I'm its author, Michael Gallagher. Beric Livingstone is its narrator.
Where Beric is at:
Still no word from Beric, which is fine, as I'm still struggling to put together my detailed feedback for him on Chapters 6 - 9.
From Chapter 7, here Bertha, Julius, and Octavius discuss the performance they've just witnessed of The Duchess of Malfi as they walk home from the theatre.
"Does he turn into a wolf?"
Learn more about Beric here:
Where I am at:
This week I downloaded a few copyright-free stock photos from Pexels.com which I think might work as the background for the cover art of both the audiobook and the podcast. These two in particular stand out, in my opinion (fear not, I can airbrush out the surfer in the second pic). Both will need to be cropped so they're square. I wonder what you think of them?

I've started rethinking the text in terms of headings (H1, H2, & H 3, for those of you in the know). I'm liking the idea of Avant Garde or Futura for the title (H1), and I'm coming to realize that "by Michael Gallagher" and "read by Beric Livingstone" is the H2...which rather leaves "Send For Octavius Guy: The Podcast" and "The Case of The Throttled Tragedienne" as H3, which by default should be small but still readable.