A diary

August 11th 2024

Welcome to my weekly diary charting the ups and downs of turning my Victorian whodunnit, Octopus: Octavius Guy & The Case of the Throttled Tragedienne, into a podcast. I'm its author, Michael Gallagher. Beric Livingstone is its narrator.

Where Beric is at:

Beric's away in Bristol this month and then it's down to Cornwall for a family occasion, so I'm not expecting any new chapters in the near future. In fact, we're almost halfway through the book and there's really only one or two more chapters before everything becomes a spoiler, and these clips will become difficult if not impossible to make.

Here Beric reads the third section of The Interval, where Gooseberry is besieged in his own home by a stranger claiming to be his father. I can't imagine a better, more thoroughly detailed and accurate reading, to be honest.

If there are any authors out there who are considering turning their novels into audiobooks, I can thoroughly recommend Beric. You can contact him on his website.

"The Interval, Part 3"
Learn more about Beric here:
Where I am at:

For my part, this week I began to learn my way around the fab new real-time reverb effect that Audacity now offers. It's a plug-in that adds the reverb to whatever you assign it to without permanently altering it - so you can come back at some future point and change what the reverb sounds like.

Why's this important, you ask? It's because the music clips can end quite abruptly. They need something to help sustain the final note.

Raw, unadulterated audio:
The same but with some added reverb:

Till next week folks!

Listen to the full prologue here:
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